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Metaverse and Web 3.0 – Which strategy and which horizons : The experience of The SandBox

By 19 décembre 2022avril 3rd, 2024Managerial innovation

As part of its series of managerial innovation conferences, PMP Strategy will organize a lunch conference on January 11, 2023 on the topic:

« Metaverse and Web 3.0 – What strategy and what horizons: The experience of The SandBox ».

Sébastien BORGET
COO & Co-Founder of The Sandbox
will tell us how he manages and develops The Sandbox and for which strategy.

Author of « Technopouvoir. Depoliticizing for a bettre reign » ( Ed. Les Liens qui libèrent, 2019), advisor to Anne Hidalgo’s cabinet, novelist
will bring us her point of view on the political and societal impacts of Web3 technologies, and will tell us why they are a  »Technopower ».

A debate moderated by : Gilles Martin, Senior Advisor PMP Strategy and François COUSI, Associate of the Digital & Client Division of PMP Strategy.

This meeting will take place in person at the Collège des Bernardins, on January 11th, 2023, from 12:15 to 2pm.

20 rue de Poissy, 75005 Paris

Limited number of seats, on validation of registration only.

Please register on the link