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[17/02] The impact of new forms of work on pension risk

By 1 March 2022April 3rd, 2024News

On February 17th, the Cercle LAB proposed the 2nd meeting of the Club prévoyance, which had for theme: “The impact of the new forms of work on the provident risk”.

The meeting was attended by Marie-Laure Dreyfuss, General Delegate of the CTIP, and Marie-Sophie Houis, partner at PMP.

With the participation of Norbert Gautron, President of Galea, Thomas Colin, Technical Director of the Malakoff Humanis Group and Bertrand Boivin-Champeaux, Director of Provident and Supplementary Pensions at CTIP.


cercle lab réunion du 17 02 2022

The health crisis has had a major impact on provident insurers (short-time working, collection difficulties, portability, company liquidations).

Participants analyzed the technical impact of the health crisis on guarantees, support services and rates.

You can download our full presentation below.

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