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PMP published by the Government on the FttH

By 15 December 2011April 10th, 2024Publications

Bruno LE MAIRE, Minister of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries, Rural Affairs and Regional Planning, Eric BESSON, Minister in charge of Industry, Energy and the Digital Economy , and René RICOL, Commissioner General for Investment, take stock of the first experimental fiber optic deployments in the least dense areas of the territory and publish on December 12, 2011 a best practice guide developed with the assistance of consulting companies PMP and Qu @ trec and legal support from Bird & Bird.

As part of the national “very high speed” program, six pilot projects were selected on December 6, 2010. Thanks to a State contribution of 2.5 million euros, 7,000 fiber optic lines up to subscriber (FttH) have been deployed and are currently being marketed.

These experiments have made it possible to identify good practices for the benefit of all the actors involved in the digital development of our territories, and, first of all, the local authorities which set up public initiative networks in complement private investment. The compendium published today offers 17 recommendations relating to technical architectures, the co-investment process, information exchanges between deployment players as well as the adequacy of public initiative networks to the expectations of access providers. to the Internet.

Local authorities will be able to rely on these recommendations to define large-scale, homogeneous, interoperable and attractive public initiative network projects for Internet service providers, and therefore ultimately for users, households or professionals. .

The good practice guide can be downloaded by clicking here and the article is available on the Government’s website here.
