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By 15 February 2019April 10th, 2024Events, Managerial innovation


Rémy Baume
President of Kidiliz Groupe
Pierre-Yves Gomez
Professor and director of the French Institute of Corporate Governance at emlyon business school


PMP received  Rémy Baume  and  Pierre-Yves Gomez  as part of the cycle of managerial innovation meetings on the theme  “Federating shareholders and employees in the transformation of a family business: the Kidiliz experience”

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émy Baume explained to us, through his transformation program within Kidiliz, how he found alchemy with family shareholders and infused the new strategy on the ground.

Kidiliz, ex Zannier Group is a family business which sees for the first time in 2013, an external manager take the reins. “The dimension of trust is absolutely preponderant” explains Rémy Baume, “the choice of who will take over is an extremely pivotal moment for the founder.”

After three years at the helm, even before having embarked on the transformation, the positive results of its performance and its authenticity have enabled Rémy Baume to establish its legitimacy and to define with the shareholders the Group’s strategy built on two axes: its international deployment as well as the development of retail.

Among the strong actions carried out, the change of brand from the Zannier Group to Kidiliz. It adds to the success factors the need to launch a new dynamic, to learn from people with different experiences to create complementarity, then finally the real added value of being in the field, of going out to meet its employees to disseminate key messages through symbolic managerial acts.

Rémy Baume and Pierre-Yves Gomez both spoke to us about the place of work as an essential dimension of the human being.

Pierre-Yves Gomez, author of the book  “Intelligence du travail”  brought his expertise in corporate governance by enlightening us on the means to make work stimulating, enriching and lively. 

Fascinated by the societal, social and economic place of the company, he explains that companies build us and push us to act and live together: “a nation is the product of the work accomplished by those who constitute it”. 

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