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By 10 April 2020April 10th, 2024Digital, data & customer experience, Events

PMP and Mediatech-cx are pleased to have invited you to discover the first cross-sectoral benchmark of customer journeys, conducted in partnership with IFOP during a webinar on april 21.

Many companies use the Net Promoter Score® and the Customer Effort Score as performance indicators for their organization. But few of them have the opportunity to compare them to those of their peers… For the first time, PMP and Mediatech-cx present the results of a study carried out in January 2020 with a representative panel of 2,080 people, in which you will find comparisons of CES on different customer journeys and of NPS® of several brands, in different sectors of activity, including EnergyBankingInsuranceTelecoms and Transport

Net Promoter Score and NPS are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Reichheld Fred

We apologize for the technical problems which hampered the readability of the material for some of the participants. As promised, here is the link to access the full shared support:

Download the PMP x Mediatech-cx presentation

In response to the many questions and expectations expressed, we invite you to meet to organize a private and personalized sectorial presentation of this study.

Do you want a focus on a particular sector? Tell us while confirming your request via the link below:

I make appointment