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By 16 June 2020April 10th, 2024News

The conf’talk insurance is a new event PMP for the insurance sector. We invite you to come and discuss a topic in videoconference.

For this new Conf’Talk, we invited you to discuss the impacts of the COVID crisis on the experience offered to your customers and policyholders, and on the digital & data levers to respond to it and to integrate changes in behavior and customer expectations that this period created.

The crisis has upset Covid experience that the insurance market offer their customers : customer management has been difficult to achieve in the context of closure of contacts and teams telework, Canal Digital ‘s’ is affirmed in the long term as an essential contact channel , and we have seen the emergence of new customer behaviors (digitization of interactions, boom in telemedicine, etc.) but also new service expectations (COVID risk management, HR and legal support for companies , support on health policy, etc.)

This event plunges us into a lasting context of uncertainty (reappearance of the epidemic, extent and duration of the economic crisis, new customer behaviors, etc.) which will require strong reactivity. Capturing weak signals, interpreting various information bundles, will be the key to making the right decisions at the right time. Knowing how to use real-time data to manage will assert itself as a major lever for performance.

So what can be the levers, tools and responses to these issues? Ultimately, how can I change my operating model for more performance, agility and customer value?

During this webinar, we detailed inspiring approaches, tools and feedback, sometimes from other industries.