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By 21 March 2024April 10th, 2024Events

PMP Strategy will participate in the forums organized by the schools we are partnering with. Please find the following agenda for October 2023:

  • 04/10 ESSEC: Consulting Fair (in person) ; 9AM – 5PM
  • 05/10 Centrale Supelec: Round Table on Energy Efficiency (on campus); 3:45 PM – 4:30 PM
  • 10/10 ESCP: Consulting Fair Audit & Advisory (in person) ; 9AM – 6PM 
  • 11/10 Centrale Supelec: Visit of PMP Strategy ; 3:30PM – 5:30PM
  • 12/10 HEC: World Opportunities
  • 12/10 EM LYON: Finance & Consulting Forum (in person) ; 9AM – 6PM
  • 12/10 Télécom Paris: Workshop Introduction to Consulting Careers and Case Studies (in person)
  • 16/10 Centrale Supelec: Round Table on Consulting Careers; 11:30AM – 1:30PM
  • 17/10 EDHEC: Consulting Day; 9AM – 5PM
  • 19/10 Centrale Supelec: Partner Energy Meetings; 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
  • 27/10 HEC: HEC X Entrepreneurs Startup Mission; 1:30PM – 8:30PM

If you are looking for an end-of-studies internship or are a graduate of a prestigious engineering or business school, discover PMP Strategy, meet our teams, and submit your applications! We look forward to seeing you at our dedicated spaces!