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what role does serendipity play in strategy and management ?

By 15 February 2019April 10th, 2024Events, Managerial innovation

On January 16th 2019, as part of its cycle of managerial conferences, PMP invite around table : “What role does serendipity play in strategy & management ?” 

sérendipité intervenants             

Ludovic HURAUX
told us about the adventure of Attractive World & Shapr, and why he believes in serendipity

Executive founder & Business Administrator, Author of “Tout le monde veut aimer son travail” (“Everybody wants to love its job”) (Editions Diateino)
told us how a Professor of Philosophy became the first European woman to start a business in Silicon Valley

A conference led by :

Gilles Martin, Senior Partner at PMP
Marie-Sophie Houis-Valletoux, Partner at PMP

sérendipité min 1