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By 15 February 2016April 10th, 2024Events, Managerial innovation
Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux
Chairman and CEO of Oméa Telecom / Virgin Mobile, Vice-Chairman of Unedic and Pôle Emploi and author of “To get out of the crisis, capitalism”
Alain Bloch
Director of HEC – Entrepreneurs

Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux takes up the theory developed in his book to define entrepreneurial capitalism and explains how this type of mentality will save growth. From this observation, he began a dialogue with Alain Bloch on the development of an enterprising spirit in French society and businesses. . 


Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux distinguishes three types of capitalism: oligarchic capitalism, where the capacity to undertake is not shared because the capital is concentrated by a few; state capitalism, where the state infuses investments from above, and which corresponds well to catching-up economies like China for example, because they know exactly where to invest; and entrepreneurial capitalism. This last type of capitalism will save growth, says Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, because the brutality of the capitalist model can only exist if there is consensus in society. However, entrepreneurial capitalism is the only capitalism based on equal opportunities and therefore compatible with democratic ideals. He takes the example of the United States,whose economic philosophy allows the emergence of entrepreneurs like Steve Jobs, and which gives society the conviction that everyone can succeed.

Geoffroy Roux de Blézieux takes up the Schumpeterian concept of “creative destruction” to show that faced with technological breakthroughs and the speed of developments in 20th century capitalism, it is essential to have enterprising individuals. According to this liberal, the main role does not fall to the government or the institutions, but to entrepreneurs and enterprising who can serve as models and guide by example.

However, institutions and businesses have a role to play in defining an environment conducive to entrepreneurs, and this is what Alain Bloch explains: the first step is to enhance competition, which stimulates entrepreneurship. Geoffroy Roux de Blézieux continues the argument with a reflection on the advantage of favoring individual rather than collegial decision-making methods, and of not stigmatizing failure to facilitate individual daring. Demonstration by example creates an emulation between individuals and pushes them to say to themselves: “If it can, why not me? “.

At the company level, adopting a true entrepreneurial spirit is not the privilege of SMEs; among the small and large structures – the “fleas” and the “elephants”, there are large agile companies: the “flying elephants”.   

However, organizations alone are not enough and the daring of individuals is the key to innovation, especially since there is a “snowball” effect which means that the example of proximity pushes individuals to undertake. them too. This weight of examples and the importance of contact with entrepreneurs are thus found in the training of future entrepreneurs as in particular in the educational approach of HEC-entrepreneurs.