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Our industrial expertise

Advisors in strategy, development and transformation at the service of managers
Our company thrives thanks to the unique talents of our team members across specific industries. Together, we share a passion for the profession, the expertise in the sectors we master, and the strategic skills we apply to serve our clients worldwide.
Discover the industries in which we excel:


Telecom – Media – Tech

Define your strategy with confidence in a market disrupted by digital giants with our specialized support.

Transportation and Mobility

Turn tomorrow’s opportunities into reality: decarbonization, multimodality in freight transportation, service-based mobility, industrialization of historical models, market liberalization.

Energy and Industrial Decarbonization

Tackle the three current trends in the sector with confidence: energy transition, market liberalization, and digital deployment.

Financial Services

Drive your growth and tackle competitive challenges by developing a financial transformation strategy tailored to your needs.