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Data scientist, data analyst, data engineer: all data professions at PMP

By 8 July 2019April 10th, 2024Lab32

During an interactive session at Télécom ParisTech, Anindya Roy (Manager data scientist at PMP) reviewed her academic career and her past and present professional experiences at PMP. Some cases of application of data science on missions carried out for PMP were mentioned: extraction of unstructured information in a human resources context, question-answer system, voicebots… The presentation then mainly focused on the cycle life of the typical data science project. The role of the data scientist in putting such a project into production was then discussed, as well as its articulation and interactions with teams of data engineers and data analysts.

The full report of the industrial data science seminar of the Specialized Master in “Big Data” of June 20, 2019:

Data scientist data analyst data engineer tous les métiers de la donnée chez PMP Conseil

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