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The importance of the Customer Effort Score in customer loyalty

By 29 May 2020April 10th, 2024Digital, data & customer experience

Download the PMP x Mediatech-cx presentation

A few weeks ago,  PMP  and  Mediatech-cx joined forces to present  the results of a  study carried out in January 2020  with a representative panel of  2,080 people , in which you found comparisons of  CES on different customer journeys.  and  NPS® from several brands , in different business sectors, including  Energy Banking Insurance Telecoms  and  Transport during a webinar.

Net Promoter Score and NPS are registered trademarks of  Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Reichheld Fred

IT Social and L’Agefi discuss the results of our study and the importance of improving its CES in the customer loyalty process.

article itsocial v2


  article agefi